Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Now I Get it...This is Reality Television!

Aha! Why do people spend so much time reading these blogs? Why do people like me want to go as far as creating their OWN blog? Well, remember reality TV? It basically flew in from another planet, took over, and kicked ass. I mean it's all that's on TV anymore. I'm not completely complaining; for some reason I find myself watching the "Real World," "Amish in the City," and "Surreal Life." (FLAVOR-FLAV!)
So people are for some reason just really into other people's lives. They'd rather watch other people party than go out and party that's sad. But it's today's reality. Pun intended thank you.
Well my theory is that these blog things (I still don't know what blog means) are just extensions of reality television, but this time, we can ALL be the stars! How pathetic, and funny, and interesting to me. But hey, I'll run with it and sell out by starting this blog of my own.
I just think it's extremely interesting that we've got bloggers reporting from the White House press corp, from major sporting events, and simply turning journalism into sort of an open-ended idea. Being a member of the traditional media by day job, I don't think I feel threatened by this new media competitor, more like intrigued. I definitely think bloggers have been making a dent in the traditional media formula, but I think that's a good thing.
Stay tuned for more Philthy, We'll be Right Back.